
NETHERGATE WRITERS Fortnightly Meeting Wednesday 14 July

Chaired by David F                                                      Note taking by Sandra.

  1. Welcome and apologies – Fraser, Rupert, Sue, David C, Susan, and Abby.

Present: Sandra, Roddie, Richard, David F, Lynne, and George.

  • Work presented:

‘Ties Apart’ – Dele’s play was to be carried over to the next meeting when he would be present.

‘If Only…’ (Sandra) This piece was said by the members to be both harrowing, entertaining and true to life. It captured the mood of the trip. Various suggestions were made as to where the piece should be sent. It was enjoyed by the members.

‘A Play about Something’(Richard) Richard’s play was read by different voices and it was agreed that we had all had a conversation with this ‘little person’.  Lynne commented that a play was an ideal vehicle for this ‘inner self’ instead of prose. The play was very good.

‘The Isle and the Amulet Ch 14 –  A Quest for the Flagstaffs’ (Roddie) The group admired the piece due to lots of information being told through the dialogue which drove the story. This was a good example of ‘showing not telling.’ David asked where Roddie had gleaned his information about Vikings. Roddie replied he had been to Iceland and found lots there on the history of the Vikings as well as current research presented in TV programmes and the book ‘Viking Scotland.’

  • Matters arising/Business:

The previous Minutes were adopted.

Nethergate Anthology Report – Roddie reported that Abby had intimated the corrections by the Graphic Designer were almost complete. The final manuscript should be ready in the next month.

The Anthology consisted of – 115 pages – 18 stories and 2 poems with no illustrations inside. George asked about marketing and book signing. David F and Roddie said they were waiting until copies of the Anthology were completed before arranging this.

Summer Activities – this was discussed at the last meeting and it was agreed that a falling off of attendees was something that had to be accepted as members were on holiday.

Crystal (15th) Anniversary of Nethergate Writers in April 2022 – Roddie described the history of Nethergate Writers. David suggested that Esther Reid, who had been the driving force in its creation should be invited. Roddie s recommended that her successor Zoe Venditozzi also be invited.  Roddie explained that the Group had published ten books which were all available on Kindle under ‘Nethergate Writers’.

Outdoor Meeting – George suggested that ‘The Taypark Hotel’, Perth Road, Dundee, would be a suitable venue for an outdoor meeting. This was to be discussed at the next meeting.

Research – A short discussion took place concerning research. Should stories have complete accuracy? It was decided that accuracy was unimportant, but the story is – it should suspend disbelief. Different approaches were made through different pieces of writing and sometimes facts can get in the way of a good story. Lynne suggested Stephen King’s book – ‘On Writing’.

Writing – Roddie commented that unfinished pieces were very welcome to be submitted to the group.

Next meeting – July 28th – chair – Sandra and Minutes – Richard.

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