
Category: News


Minute of 08/03/23

Nethergate WritersFortnightly Meeting: Wednesday 8 March 2023at St Andrews Brewing Co. and on Zoom Chaired by Rhoda; Minutes by Mike Present: Colm, David C., George, Mike, Rhoda, Tess,and Zusana (via Zoom)Apologies: David F., Richard, Roddie, Sandra Work Presented Enjoy Your Bacon – by Mike (short story)Mike thanked members who had given him feedback (Rhoda, Zusana […]

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Minute of 26/01/23

Present: Mike, Colm, Roddie, Daniel, Sue, Richard Apologies: David C, David F, Sandra, Suzanna, Rhoda Roddie opened the meeting by asking Richard to read his poem called Chaos Rains. This a poem that rather plays fast and loose with the English language as the title alludes to and tends run away than towards anything that […]

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Minute of 23/02/23

Nethergate Writers’ Meeting Thursday 24 February 2023 at St Andrews Brewing Co and by Zoom Chaired by Daniel, minutes by Zusana Present: Colm, Daniel, George, Mike, Rhoda, Richard (via Zoom), Roddie, Zusana Apologies: David C, David F, Sandra, Sue Previous Minutes: accepted WORK PRESENTED Emeritus by Zusana (extract from a novella) Zusana thanked the company […]

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Nethergate Writers Fortnightly Meeting

Wednesday 30th June 2021          Chaired by Sue. Minutes taken by Roddie. 1. Welcome and apologies – Fraser, Rupert, Susan, David F, Abby, George and Richard. Present:Sandra, Sue, Lynne, David C, Dele and Roddie Although small in number, the meeting was big on significance for the international spread of NW:  in a fortnight where NW was […]

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Nethergate Writers Fortnightly Meeting Wednesday 5th May

Chaired by Susan                                                                                              Minutes taken by Roddie Present: Amy, Abby, Susan, Sandra, David C, David F, Roddie, Richard, George Burton 1. Welcomes were extended to Amy Liptrott, associate director at the Pitlochry Festival Theater and local author George Burton who has published three biographical books and who has a blog.  Apologies were received from: Fraser, […]

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