Gillian and Craig provide us with the details from our most recent meeting, which was the group’s AGM.
Nethergate Writers – Annual General Meeting 24th April 2019, 7pm. Dalhousie Building 2G03
David Carson, Richard Gillies, Ian Stevenson, Susan Storrier, Abby Lyons, Rosie Baillie, Craig Mudie, Bamidele Kogbe, Sarah Boath, Colin Donald, Fraser Malaney, Gillian Duff
Susan Baxter, Roddie McKenzie, Aileen Cook, David Francis, Alana Strong
David welcomed everyone along to the meeting, and we all introduced ourselves to the four new members who had come along.
The first order of business was the adoption of the minutes of the last AGM (12th March 2018), which are available here. Craig proposed adoption of the minutes, and this was seconded by David.
There were three matters arising from the minutes: 1) Membership of Scottish Association of Writers – currently lapsed. To be discussed later. 2) Data protection – GDPR – Roddie was going to investigate but has not given feedback to the group as yet. Committee decided to email the membership to discuss. 3) 50 Shades of Tay.
Treasurer’s report
Rosie gave a summary of accounts, which are looking relatively healthy at the moment. She confirmed that last year each member had paid £1 per meeting but this had produced a mixed return, given the variable number of members attending each meeting. It has therefore been agreed that members will instead pay £20 per year, now that we have to pay for the room rental.
Rosie then provided the final sales figures for 50 Shades of Tay – showing that we had made back almost double the cost of production. Fraser asked who negotiated the Printing deal for 50 Shades. Abby explained that it was her, and that we had selected Pulse North for both design and printing as it was thought that the price was reasonable and it would simplify things to only have one company to deal with. It was also seen as being important to select a local designer, to be part of the wider creative community in Dundee. Abby asked a question about online banking and its being is attached to Rosie but there are 3 signatories to the account. Changing from one treasurer to another might be time-consuming if not problematic, but not insurmountable.
Rosie was thanked for her work as treasurer over the past year.
Craig is responsible for the development and day to day running of the website and our social media accounts. Our number of Facebook followers is up on last year, to 151. Our most popular Facebook post was about the 50 Shades of Tay Launch (80 engagements and 1500 views). Second was “Nethergate Writers in the news”, which generated 60 engagements.
Our number of Twitter followers increased (up to 135 from 91 last year), but the amount of engagement is small, averaging only 3 or 4 likes on posts. Website needs more activity to generate more views. No-one coming from Facebook or Twitter to Website. Posts about publications seem the most popular – which entries on 50 Shades of Tay, 40 Views of Dundee Law and Rebel all being the most viewed.
We then discussed what could be done to try and improve engagement. Suggestions included posting of Works in Progress, and improving links to other creative groups in Dundee.
Abby then suggested that we need to determine what we feel the purpose of having the website to be. Engagement, increasing membership, improving group visibility, and building a network for the next publication were all suggested. The new members present said they had found the group in a variety of ways (Twitter, offline, Facebook). It was mentioned that people tend to put finished work on website so there is no need for feedback but we could ask what people want to see on website.
Susan said she felt the website had gravitas and was a good advert for the group.
It was suggested that we need a strategy for how we are going forward. Useful for the group but perhaps it could be better used for those outwith the group. The committee agreed to further discuss this.
Craig then mentioned which other members had access to the various online accounts, and offered to provide wider access to any other members who were interested.
David thanked Craig for the work he had completed in respect to raising the profile of Nethergate Writers through Social Media engagement
Chair’s report
David then provided an overview of our activities since the last AGM.
He said that we have had 10 meetings, with a total of 70 attendees and have heard 30 pieces of writing from our members at these meetings. He mentioned that some of our members had had pieces published including Colin and Roddie having contributions in the Dundee Heritage Group’s ‘40 View of Dundee Law’, and Roddie having had an additional piece included in the Scottish Book Trust’s publication ‘Rebel’.
Our own publication, 50 Shades of Tay was seen as being very positive both in terms of finance and communal activity. All members contributed and it generated positive discussion and publicity. Collaboration is an excellent opportunity and it was a very rewarding experience in every way.
David thanked everyone for the contribution they have made to the group.
Election of Office Bearers
We then moved on to the election of office bearers.
No emails of proposals for positions on the committee were received from members who were unable to attend the meeting.
Treasurer – Rosie was re-elected to the position, proposed by David and Seconded by Gillian
Webmaster – Craig was re-elected to the position, Proposed by Abby and Seconded by Colin. Secretary – no secretary at present. A précis of what is involved was given – Maintains membership group, correspondence (emails), records minutes of AGM and books rooms yearly, as well as any secretarial duties involved with publication. Bamidele Kogbe offered to be secretary, and was proposed by Richard and seconded by Rosie.
Chairperson – David said he was standing down as Chairperson and thanked Rosie and Craig for the work they had contributed to the committee. Rosie proposed Abby for Chairperson and Craig seconded her. There being no other proposals, Abby was duly elected.
Abby took over the running of the meeting. Capacity for up to 3 additional people who would like to join the committee was explained People can join at a later date but there is space in the committee. More detail needed about the role. Meetings could be on an adhoc basis. New committee to meet in the near future and anyone who would like to join the committee could come along to that meeting.
Plans for 2019.
A number of preliminary discussions about another publication. Themes had been discussed at previous meetings, but deadlines have, however, passed so this needs to be reviewed. Opening with City Archives. This has to be taken forward. David Francis, Roddie McKenzie and Susan Baxter were interested in coordinating a visit (during the working week) to inspire work. Online access to archive materials is possible. Pictures? Iconic landmark? Loosely tied together theme so not too prescriptive. Exploratory visit to be arranged at a time which would suit more people. One of the monthly meetings could be at the archive. Archives on Twitter too.
ACTION POINT: Abby will write to David, Susan and Roddie to coordinate that. Everyone to look at the online archive.
Names – Richard: Name cards would be nice so we know what everyone likes to be called.
ACTION POINT: Rosie will bring card for us to write a nameplate.
Membership – Rosie: Some people were intending to join. We need to start collecting the fees and ensuring the members are on a list. Bamidele – There should be a membership form. Rosie confirmed there is one which could be used. Abby suggested it incorporates a GDPR acceptance tick box. If everyone is asked to complete this again, it should satisfy GDPR.
Website Bios – Susan – would it be possible to get biographical details of members and their writing on the website? Colin suggested a piece of writing to go along with the Bios. Abby asked if it could be a standing item at a meeting? Fraser suggested it should be voluntary. Richard – needs to update his Bio as he has now finished one of his books!
Membership should be from AGM to AGM rather than for calendar year. £20 from AGM to AGM. New members pay when they return for a second meeting.
Amplify is a writing group in Dundee – Dostoyevsky Wannabe Dundee anthology (Launching tomorrow Underworld Café, Perth Road, 7pm Thursday 25th April, 2019). Fraser and Ian are attending. Their monthly open mic night, Hotchpotch was also mentioned, with the next meeting being on Monday 13th May at The Wild Rover on Perth Road 7pm
The meeting closed with a note of thanks to David Carson for being Chair for the last period and his hard work and contributions to the group over the . Agreed by all.
AGM Closed 8:20pm
We then moved on to discuss a couple of pieces of writing. ‘Skirting the issue’, by David, looked at a pair of long time friends and the impact of an unexpected personal revelation on their friendship. It was seen as being an interesting observation on the importance of tolerance and of being comfortable in yourself. Opinion was split, however, over the whether the ‘coda’ at the end, showing the friends a while later, was necessary or not.
Gillian then read a portion of the introductory chapter to a novel featuring her character Detective Vicky Lee. It was much enjoyed, and we thought it helped set up the character and the dynamic between her and her superior officer well. It also lead to an interesting discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of using real vs fictional place names in contemporary or near-contemporary fiction.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 29th May, at 7pm, in room 2G03 of the Dalhousie Building.