
It Happened in November: Our AGM

Sandra Anderson, acting secretary for the Nethergate Writers Group, has the minutes for our annual AGM on the 11th November.

Welcome and apologies


Rupert, Susan S, Martin, David F, Aileen, Gillian, Sarah.


Abby, Sandra, David C, Sue B, Fiona, Roddie, Rosie, Fraser, Craig.

Richard signed in at 7.30.

Abby, chairman for the past 19 months, welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The Minutes of the AGM of 24th April 2019 were approved.


Treasurer’s Report

Rosie commented that financially we were in a good situation.

The University had not billed us for the room rental but it was decided to keep a buffer in case the money owed was requested.

The new committee can decide about the £20 levy on members.

Abby commended Rosie on her hard work and conscientiousness.


Webmaster’s Report

Craig reported that things had been quiet.

Facebook visits – from 152 to 178

Twitter – followers – 155

Website – had a low uptake.

Roddie suggested that we should all do self promotion.

Fraser spoke about increasing our website’s position with SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

It was suggested that we could share some writing through Social Media.

Inquiries were to be made regarding our own YouTube channel.

Abby thanked Craig for his splendid efforts throughout these most difficult times.


Chair’s report

Abby reported on the progress made with Pitlochry Theatre. She had made contact with Amy Liptrot who had expressed interest in receiving Dialogue Centric pieces lasting around three minutes to be acted out, filmed and posted on line. So far there was no deadline for this agreed but it was understood that this chance was an important one for Nethergate Writers and was not to be ignored. Abby to send out suggestions for a meeting on 25th November, the theme was to be – CHANGE AND CHANGES.

Abby requested that members send her any details of writing done over the lockdown months, whether published, commended or completed.

Members were unanimous in thanking Abby for her tireless efforts.

See also Abby’s report sent to all members on 11/11/2020.


Election of office bearers

The nominations were accepted.

Chair                      Roddie

Secretary             Sandra

Treasurer            Sue B

Webmaster        Fraser

Roddie proposed adoption of the Constitution. Although there was nothing contentious he suggested that the key changes be highlighted. Some capitals were to be changed and David was to distribute the finished article.

Craig asked about the removal of the reference to age and this was explained that membership is open to all over the age of 16.

Writing and feedback was discussed. David commented that feedback on members’ work was sparse and that even a sentence would suffice to bolster the writer’s belief in their submission.

Richard suggested that a reason could be that some of the writing was ‘too perfect’.

Sue said she lacked confidence to comment on others’ writing.

Roddie commented that all someone had to say was what they liked about it, what works in the piece and why it works. Or even what they thought did not work if there was a particular reason for that.

Section 7 – Procedure of co-opting up to three people to join office bearers was discounted.

The Constitution was to be an Agenda item for the next meeting ratifying the document.

Roddie thanked the previous office bearers for all their hard work.


The Future

Fraser commented that Spring/Easter was the release date for the Anthology.

The Title was a tie break of three.

Fraser was to instigate our own Zoom account.

It was discussed how to encourage non-zoomers.

Roddie suggested a telephone link and Craig commented that participants could use a telephone number, which was on the invitation to the meeting.

Sandra commented that bad press for the security of Zoom in the initial stages had persuaded some to distrust the system. Fraser assured us that security had been upgraded.

Members may have technical issues or lack of good internet connection.

Roddie agreed to send a questionnaire to all members seeking their views about Zoom.

This was to be discussed at the next meeting.


Any Other Business

Abby congratulated the new office bearers.


 Next Zoom Meeting:-   Wednesday 9th December 2020 at 7 pm

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