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Minutes of Meeting held on Zoom, 7 April 2021

Chaired by Fraser/ Minutes taken by David F

Present: Abby, Sandra, Sue, David C, David F, Fraser, Roddie, Susan

Apologies: Richard, Rupert.

Work Presented

Death is No Dominion – Fraser

Fraser said that he found it interesting to read this out loud and explained that it owed something to Dante’s Inferno. He is working on a three-part piece with Purgatory and Heaven to follow.

Susan said it worked well as a journey narrative and there was a good deal of positive comment about the creation of atmosphere throughout.

The Approach of a New Year – Sue

Sue read three chapters. There was particular praise for the characterisation, sense of time and place and dialogue. Sue explained that the ‘main event’ of the Tay Bridge disaster will probably come in the middle of the story with the various consequences for the characters being examined after that.

Gift – Susan

Susan explained the background to this piece which was in David C’s words ‘one to savour’ with the descriptions making a real impact.

Pudding – Susan

Susan’s second piece examined the dynamic between two men and there was an appreciation of the layers of depth contained in the balance of power in their relationship.

An Icelandic Saga – Roddie Roddie’s piece had been presented before and this was an update which he said intended to submit to a Tether’s End competition.  Roddie was complimented on his pronunciation of Icelandic names throughout the piece which Fraser suggested was like a love letter to Iceland. David C thought, however, that some description could be cut back in favour of adding more to the story. Notwithstanding the tradition in many cultures and mythologies of gods meddling in human affairs, there was a fair bit of discussion about the appropriateness of Bjorn (aka Odin) interfering in Anna’s life in the particular manner described, in light of present and understandable sensitivity to issues around consent. Roddie agreed to review the story with this in mind.


Previous Minutes

There were no matters arising.

David C re-iterated his view that, as in this and the last meeting, we should in general terms start with readings of work before dealing with business matters.

Nethergate Anthology

Fraser advised that a meeting of the anthology group would be held on Zoom on Tuesday 13 April at 6 pm and that anyone interested would be welcome to attend.

Abby reported that she was in discussion about the cover design. She also said that the proof-reading process would only involve a check for typesetting errors with no other scope for changes.

Pitlochry Festival Theatre Project

Various members described very positive experiences in recording pieces with Amy and PFT actors, though not everyone had yet been contacted by Amy regarding their submissions. Abby undertook to contact Amy for a general update on progress with the project and to discuss opportunities for publicity.

Any Other Business

Fraser asked about the current position regarding subscriptions and Sue reported that only five remained outstanding.

Next Meeting

The next regular meeting will be by Zoom on Wednesday, 21 April 2021 at 7pm. Sue will chair, and Sandra will take the notes.