Easter Island22 January 202222 January 2022An aging recluse contemplates the end of the world in F.R. Malaney’s haunting, heart-breaking account from a dystopian future.
Oh, Miss Hepburn19 December 202124 January 2025At the Green’s Playhouse in Dundee, a teenage usherette becomes entangled with a lecherous manager. Can Audrey Hepburn help?
Dancing Shoes by Zusana Storrier26 June 202127 June 2021A wonderfully gossipy story of poverty, resentment, celebrity, and revenge. Written by Zusana Storrier and read by Michelle Chantelle Hopewell.
Fly Away by Jimmy Anderson26 May 202126 May 2021Together with her partner, Sandra Anderson showcases her singing talents. Composed and played by Jimmy Anderson.
Count Dracula by Sue Baxter21 May 202121 May 2021Dracula takes a city break – with unexpected consequences. Sue Baxter’s wry and witty take on a legend is read by Michelle Hopewell.
Question Time by Aileen Cook14 May 202115 May 2021Aileen Cook’s smooth-talking radio presenter is put off his stride by enormous hedges, a holiday in Perth and a technical hitch with hilarious consequences! Read by Greg Powrie collaboration with the Pitlochry Festival Theatre Project.
Nethergate Writer Gets Published4 May 202115 February 2022One of our prolific and talented writers has had a short story published in Pushing Out the Boat this month. Find out more, here.
Nethergate Writers Meeting: 1900 hrs on 24th March 202131 March 202131 March 2021It’s been described as a ‘tour de force of minute taking’. Richard Gilles version of the Nethergate Writer’s meeting on March 24, 2021.
The Dry-Rot Man by Zusana Storrier30 March 202114 May 2021Got dry rot? Need help? Looks like a job for Dry-Rot Man! A conversation from Zusana Storrier about a local legend.
The Whites of His Eyes28 February 202130 March 2021David Carson’s charming and whimsical tale about an academic researcher who pursues a mysterious stranger and gets more than he bargained for.