Minutes of Meeting held on Zoom, 7 April 202118 April 202118 April 2021David Francis’ readable and concise account of our meeting on Wednesday, 7 April.
Nethergate Writers Meeting: 1900 hrs on 24th March 202131 March 202131 March 2021It’s been described as a ‘tour de force of minute taking’. Richard Gilles version of the Nethergate Writer’s meeting on March 24, 2021.
Last Week’s Meeting16 March 202117 March 2021Roddie’s detailed account of what took place during our Zoom meeting on Wednesday, 10th March.
The Meeting Began With a Song21 February 202116 March 2021When the Nethergate Writers met on 10 February at 7 pm on Zoom. Our next meeting takes place on February 24, at 7 pm.