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A Nethergate Writer

Venus Cafe

Venus Café

A family of meat eaters have reason to feel unsettled in Zusana Storrier’s Venus Cafe. Find out more here.

Audrey Hepburn

Oh, Miss Hepburn

At the Green’s Playhouse in Dundee, a teenage usherette becomes entangled with a lecherous manager. Can Audrey Hepburn help?

I Again Am Stang

I Again Am Strang by David Carson

We may be coming to the end of the lockdown, so perhaps it’s time for a heart-warming story of resolution and fortitude.
Written in Doric Scots and read by David Rankine.


Freedom by Fiona Pretswell

This deeply moving letter shows the human cost of domestic abuse during the Covid 19 pandemic. Read by Deirdre Davis.

Carse Wanderings

Carse Wandering by Roddie McKenzie

Part diary, part poem and part conversation, this is a journey of discovery which shows us the restorative power of the countryside.

The Small Things

The Small Things by Fiona Pretswell

This chatty, heart warming story shows how the small things can help people reach out to each other, even when kept apart. Read by Michelle Chantelle Hopewell.


Reunited by Susan Baxter

Can you be reunited when the one you love is gone forever? A haunting, compelling tale of the supernatural read by Michelle Chantelle Hopewell.

Dancing Shoes

Dancing Shoes by Zusana Storrier

A wonderfully gossipy story of poverty, resentment, celebrity, and revenge. Written by Zusana Storrier and read by Michelle Chantelle Hopewell.