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Nethergate Writers

The Small Things

The Small Things by Fiona Pretswell

This chatty, heart warming story shows how the small things can help people reach out to each other, even when kept apart. Read by Michelle Chantelle Hopewell.


Reunited by Susan Baxter

Can you be reunited when the one you love is gone forever? A haunting, compelling tale of the supernatural read by Michelle Chantelle Hopewell.

Dancing Shoes

Dancing Shoes by Zusana Storrier

A wonderfully gossipy story of poverty, resentment, celebrity, and revenge. Written by Zusana Storrier and read by Michelle Chantelle Hopewell.


Nethergate Writers Minutes of June 2nd 2021

Here’s Zusana’s minutes for last week’s meeting of the Nethergate Writer’s Group. The next meeting will be held on Zoom on Wednesday, 16 June at 7 pm.

In Nature's Realm

In Nature’s Realm by David Carson

David Carson tells of an unexpected meeting at the height of the Covid 19 lockdown. His funny, life-affirming story read is by Greg Powrie and you can read it for yourself, here.


Kinpurney Hill by Roddie McKenzie

As a solitary man climbs Kilpurney Hill, he tells a moving story of love, loss and hope. Written in Scots by Roddie McKenzie and read by Kenny Boyle.

Fly Away by Jimmy Anderson

Together with her partner, Sandra Anderson showcases her singing talents. Composed and played by Jimmy Anderson.


Pink by Zusana Storrier

Discover a quirky and charming tale about the lockdown, a terrible colour scheme and a novel way of dealing with it. Written by Zusana Storrier and read by Kenny Boyle.