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Easter Island

An aging recluse contemplates the end of the world in F.R. Malaney’s haunting, heart-breaking account from a dystopian future.

The Understanding Stranger

A chance meeting with an understanding strange in a railway carriage changes everything in a story of mystery and suspense.


Nethergate Writers Minutes of June 2nd 2021

Here’s Zusana’s minutes for last week’s meeting of the Nethergate Writer’s Group. The next meeting will be held on Zoom on Wednesday, 16 June at 7 pm.

Fly Away by Jimmy Anderson

Together with her partner, Sandra Anderson showcases her singing talents. Composed and played by Jimmy Anderson.

Joel Schwab by Abigail A. Lyons

Listen to Abigail A. Lyons’ heart warming tale about Joel Schwab – a quiet, lonely man who is not all he seems.


Monologue by Sandra Anderson

In collaboration with the Pitlochry Festival Theatre Project and accepted by Aberdeen’s Elphinstone Institute: now’s your chance to experience Sandra Anderson’s emotive and compelling account of living through the lockdown.

open door poetry

Open the Door to Poetry

To mark World Poetry Day, please find some inspirational words from Roddie McKenzie on how to live a life less ordinary.

Chatter from the Chair

Due to some website maintenance issues they’re a little late, but better late than never.