
Category: News


It Happened Last Week – December’s (Virtual) Monthly Meeting

Minutes of Meeting on 9th December 2020 Minutes taken by Sandra, chaired by Roddie 1. Welcome and Apologies Apologies:- Susan S., Fiona. Present:- Abby, Sandra, David C, David F, Sue B, Roddie, Fraser, Richard, Gillian and Aileen. Amy Liptrott from Pitlochry Festival Theatre 7.10 – 7.40 2. Matters arising/Business Nethergate Anthology Progress Report Fraser reported […]

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It Happened in November: Our AGM

Sandra Anderson, acting secretary for the Nethergate Writers Group, has the minutes for our annual AGM on the 11th November. Welcome and apologies Apologies:- Rupert, Susan S, Martin, David F, Aileen, Gillian, Sarah. Present:- Abby, Sandra, David C, Sue B, Fiona, Roddie, Rosie, Fraser, Craig. Richard signed in at 7.30. Abby, chairman for the past […]

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